Tuesday 18 November 2014

Fashion Inspiration: Sugary and Sickly Sweet

The sort of style that is giving me inspiration at the moment is very sugary and sickly sweet. Enough pink, glitter and pvc to make most people vomit.

Like many people, I was absolutely mesmerised by Moschino's Spring/Summer 2015 barbie collection, It was so unique, like nothing that had ever been seen before on the catwalk. Pink is such an underrated colour in fashion! 

Another amazing collection is the Manish Arora Spring/Summer 2015 collection. Piled on florals, pastel blue, metallic shoes and yet again, an excessive amount of pink may be too much for some people to handle, but it inspires me to be more creative with my clothes.

A great brand that nails the 'sugary sweet' style well is Shop Jeen. Holographic crop tops, Metallics, Luminous pink and plastic. It's almost tacky but in a pretty, quirky way. As for accessories, I love adorable little pink bows (they're very easy to make yourself.) Heart shaped bags, pink lipstick and glitter eyeliner.

What inspires you this winter? Let me know! 

Melissa xxx


  1. I really love the pastel look at the moment, esp the whole pastel goth movement going on for some reason haha.

    http://StorybookApothecary.com ♥

    1. yeah! I used to be all pastel goth when I was 13/14 :)

  2. I totally love your outlook on this! I've always been more of the all-black-all-the-time type, but I'm really digging the pastels. Like the comment above, I agree with the pastel goth influence (a style I have always wanted to try!) You have some really cool stuff on this blog! We should exchange follows and ideas and definitely keep in touch!

    xoxo Caroline

    1. Thank you very much! Your blog is really interesting as well. yeah definitely I've followed you :) x


thank you so much for your lovely comments! I reply as soon as I get the chance ♥