Saturday 7 March 2015

DIY: Easy Spring Flower Choker!

This is really easy and cheap choker to make, and I think the end results are absolutely beautiful. You can make it in under 10 minutes!

All the things you can get very easily from craft shops. I got my ribbon and flowers from the bead shop in Affleck's Palace. 

♥ Ribbon 

♥ Tiny fabric flowers

♥ Scissors (snip snip)

♥ Fabric glue

1) Measure around your neck to find out how big you need your choker to be. Then cut your ribbon to this size.

2) Cut the tiny fabric flowers off the stalk and arrange them on to your ribbon.

3) Put a little spot of glue where you would like each flower to go, then stick them down.

4) Wait the recommended time for your fabric glue to dry. 

Now you're done! And you can be the cutest girl around with your new choker! 


thank you so much for your lovely comments! I reply as soon as I get the chance ♥