Friday 3 April 2015

DIY: 60's/70's style flower headband

As you may know, I am a big fan of a DIY, and recently I've been buying craft supplies and making pretty things. My favourite thing I've made recently is this headband. It fits in perfectly with this years' 70's trend, and it is perfect for summer.

Everything in this DIY I bought at hobbycraft.

How to make:

1) Buy some floral material/ribbon of your choice from a craft shop. You won't need to get more than half a metre. 

2) Measure the material around your head and cut off what you don't need.

3) Attach some 'snap fasteners' to each side of the headband. Secure the snap fasteners in place with fabric glue or a needle and thread, whichever's easiest for you.

Then it should look something like this!

If you used the fabric glue, wait the recommended drying time. Then, you can wear your headband and sit in a field of daises. Probably not though, it's a bit cold.

Have an amazing Easter weekend! Let me know what you think of this DIY!

Melissa xxx

1 comment:

thank you so much for your lovely comments! I reply as soon as I get the chance ♥