Thursday 17 July 2014

// Summer Music Playlist 2014 //

 1. Seaside // The Kooks
 I first heard this song in the shop Ark a few months ago and immediately fell in love with it. The song is about falling in the love at the seaside, something I have always wanted to do. the lyrics are incredible, especially "I'm just trying to love you girl." I definitely need to listen to this when I'm at a beach some time this summer.

I heard this song for the first time very recently and I became obsessed with it after the first listen. I've been listening to a lot of other songs by the same band, my other favorite is 'a part of me' I usually don't like pop punk music, so I didn't think I would like it, but they are so much more original than other bands. The lyrics to 'growing pains' are perfect and along with the 1975's album, they are the soundtrack to my teenage years.

The song is very atmospheric and just sounds like summer, it lifts my mood and makes me feel happier. It would be the perfect setting to a late night summer party. It also brings back memories of when I was younger and I've rediscovered all that music. My other favorite Fleetwood Mac songs are 'Say You Love Me, 'Dreams' and 'Little Lies'

I discovered this song late last summer and have been listening to it again recently. The lyrics perfectly capture the best parts of summer; "we watched the sun go down and then the moon comes out, paint pictures with your hands I'll chase you I'm your biggest fan." It is perfect for hazy days and nights by the British seaside.

If you have any song suggestions, defintely tell me them in the comments! Melissa xx


  1. I love that you included the Kooks on this list! Great song xx



thank you so much for your lovely comments! I reply as soon as I get the chance ♥